Neighborhood Power | About
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Neighborhood Power Corporation (NPC) is a renewable energy micro utility that produces power where it’s used. Our 100% renewable energy projects are created to provide clean power at a cost equal to or less than traditional grid-sourced electricity.

Founded in 2009 with a core mission to provide solar power to anyone, anywhere, NPC has expanded across the United States market using 20+ year power purchase contracts to provide low cost renewable energy with no upfront investment by our customers. We currently provide clean, renewable energy for less to farmers, schools, municipalities, grocery stores, distribution centers, resorts, water companies, and homes, along with wholesale agreements with utility companies who buy our low-cost renewable energy, mark it up, and pass it on to their customers. By using long-term power purchase agreements, NPC is able to lock in low renewable energy power rates for up to 25 years.

NPC provides all the engineering and project modeling for our clients at no cost. We thoroughly analyze power consumption patterns to design the most economically viable project for each site. Then, we use top tier solar materials to create high-quality projects that will provide power for decades — all at no upfront cost.

Our customers only begin paying 30 days after their system goes live, and by this point, they have already saved the money they will pay us from their utility bills. Our customers only pay for the power we deliver. From the day our systems go live, we provide best-in-class monitoring designed to give easy-to-understand insights into how energy is both used and produced on each site, allowing for even more savings in the future.

Our team is guided by the core principle in our tagline, BE THE SOLUTION. We are here to help our clients clear every hurdle and solve each issue that comes up to ensure everyone has reliable access to clean renewable energy.

It’s a win for You
It’s a win for Us
It’s a win for Our Environment

If you’ve been considering solar power,
now is the right time!
Join Us and Be the Solution.


Our team shares an energetic and entrepreneurial spirit. We take great pride in bringing innovative energy solutions to the businesses and communities we serve. We also understand that the environmental impact of energy production is one of the greatest challenges of our planet. We are committed to doing our part to alleviate this impact by making the switch to solar simple for our customers.

NPC provides a process that is not only simple, but quick and easy. With our three innovative option choices including the System Purchase, The Financed System Purchase and the Simply Purchase Solar Power Plan, we make going solar simple and affordable. We founded Neighborhood Power Corporation with the mission to help millions of energy users adopt solar power to protect themselves from rising electricity costs and to preserve the environment. We have assembled some of the most talented and experienced people and partners to be on our solar team.

At NPC we look forward to saving you money with solar made simple.


Energy makes our lives better. Since electricity became widely distributed it has increased quality of life across the globe BUT at the same time it has grown to account for the majority of humans pollution output. This is the problem Neighborhood Power Corporation set out to help solve, how do we continue to benefit from electricity without the environmental impacts. When we discovered that enough energy hit the earth in a single HOUR to run the entire global economy for a full year, we realized that distributed solar energy was a great place to start! Our team is also exploring and developing Hydrogen technologies, Energy Efficiency Technologies and Transportation solutions.

Energy is a common thread that runs through all of the issues facing the modern world. Solve the Energy problem and we get a lot closer to solving:

The Water Problem

Currently it requires as much as 7 gallons of clean water to generate 1 kWh of dirty energy. But with ample supply of clean renewable energy we can provide clean water all over the planet from any source.

The Population Problem

It has been demonstrated all across the globe that when cultures receive low cost plentiful electricity several key things happen; infant death rates plummet, education levels increase especially for women, more time is freed up for higher pursuits and magically population growth rates begin to decrease rapidly and exponentially from one generation to another.

The Food Problem

There is more than enough food currently produced on the planet to feed every person alive today. The reason so many go hungry is a lack of energy. With enough clean renewable energy all this food can be distributed and stored properly to provide for all.

The Pollution Problem

The production of electricity accounts for the highest % of global pollution. The mercury and other noxious outputs from coal fired power plants pollute our food supplies, drinking water and air. The legal amounts of Strontium 90 constantly streaming out of properly functioning nuclear power plants has been proven to bioaccumulate in the bones and teeth of humans downwind from them creating cancer clusters and the world has seen the effects of malfunctioning nuclear power plants in Japan.

If you’ve been considering solar power, now is the right time!